
Who is Little Free Pantry for? LFP is for those who want and/or need to give. LFP is for those not easily able to meet everyday food and personal needs. LFP is for a hungry kid after school or a home cook who forgot to buy an onion. LFP is for everyone.

How does Little Free Pantry differ from other food pantries? 

  • The LFP is small, limiting its quantity and variety. Bricks-and-mortar food pantries are better at meeting pervasive need.

  • But some fall through the cracks. The LFP is a safety net.

  • For example, many bricks-and-mortar food pantries require an application. Most have hours of operation. Anyone may access the LFP at any time.

  • Additionally, bricks-and-mortar food pantries are service providers, those who use them, “clients.” LFP dissolves that professional boundary. Whether giving or taking, everyone approaches the LFP the same way, mediating the shame that accompanies need.

  • LFP is a centrally-located reminder of our neighbors’ need that creates neighborhood space for exercising compassion, trust, and mutual aid.

Starting up

How do I start a Little Free Pantry? Location, location, location!

How do I determine location?

  • Safety first! The location should be safe, away from high traffic/high crime areas.

  • Second, the location should be accessible by car with little impact on local traffic but clear of easements and aprons between the sidewalk and the street.

  • Third, determine whether private property or public property best suits your vision. Then, identify more than one location; your first choice may fall through. If a potential location is residential, determine whether neighbors will be supportive. Will increased traffic be viewed as a nuisance or an invasion of privacy?

  • Fourth, follow appropriate channels to obtain permission and/or a permit

  • Finally, if your Summers are hot, position North or East-facing.

How do I build a Little Free Pantry? Feel free to replicate the pilot. Or build a structure suited to your aesthetic preference and needs. Googling "Little Free Library plans" yields lots of content, including specs. If your LFP will be on another's property, share your plans with the property owner for his or her approval.


How do I stock the Little Free Pantry? The original LFP is stocked organically. Those who wish to contribute may do so at their discretion when convenient. Demand outpaces supply, so the LFP is often empty. However, empty shelves are problematic only if no one is contributing. At that point, you might want to organize a group of friends, neighbors, co-workers, church-goers. Thirty of these could be assigned a day of the month to contribute, for example. Please note that irregular supply is an effective control keeping both consumption and traffic manageable. Irregular supply minimizes loitering as well.

What do I stock?

Encourage your contributors to stock according to need. Discourage sharps (razors), chemicals, previously worn clothing (which adds bulk), or anything illegal. Generally, canned vegetables and proteins, personal care items, and paper goods go fast. Kid-friendly non-perishables, crayons, and inexpensive party favor items are great for supplies for August!

If your stock does not turn over frequently, monitor cans for bulging and leaking, especially during extreme temperatures. Also, if your LFP will be stocked organically, you won't always be able to control what's inside. However, a daily site visit will allow you to maintain a safe, neat space.

What if I can't stock food? This question was asked by someone who lives in a city with an ordinance prohibiting feeding the homeless. Let that sink in. Moving on. Personal care items, paper goods, etc. are not food.

Red tape

Will I be allowed to duplicate The Little Free Pantry project where I live? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Municipal building codes and zoning laws vary from location to location. Follow appropriate channels to obtain permission and/or a permit if necessary. Also, neighborhood support for the project prior to implementation and a good location will help avoid complaint.

What if someone gets sick? Or gets a splinter?  The Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act (42 USCA § 1791), in most situations, protects from civil and criminal liability those who donate food products to a nonprofit organization for distribution to needy individuals. Establishing or donating to an affiliated Little Free Pantry project is not a guarantee of protection from liability under this law. If you have specific questions about liability or any applicable regulations to a Little Free Pantry in your area, consult an attorney.

To avoid splinters, etc., be sure to keep your LFP in good repair. Does your property insurance cover the LFP? If not, you might wish to purchase personal or commercial liability insurance as a safeguard. If you are worried, consult a lawyer.