The mini pantry movement activates
neighbor engagement with food insecurity. 



The mini pantry movement is a grassroots, crowdsourced solution
to immediate and local need. Whether a need for food or a need to give,
mini pantries help feed neighbors, nourishing neighborhoods. 

Add your neighborhood mini pantry here!  




our mission, our methods, our results

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Mini of the week!

Scouts BSA Troop 600 Stokesdale Mini Pantry is one of three little free pantries that Troop 600 Scouts have constructed and installed. Caden Miller provided this pantry as his Eagle Scout Service Project. Additional pantries are planned and young people interested in addressing food insecurity in the Northwest Guilford region can join Troop 600 in providing more pantries by visiting the troop’s website.

DIY expert Luke Barr shows you how to create a little free pantry to nourish your community.


What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.
— Dr. Jane Goodall

The Little Free Pantry Pilot is located on Quapaw, Caddo, and Osage land.