Parkside Kids Connect for Community LFP, Sacramento, CA
metal newspaper box painted white with blue accents; on glass door is a sign that reads" Parkside Little Free Pantry. Take what you need. Give what you can;" pantry sits on grass in front of structure with tan siding

"Community Pantry" sits outside Caddo Parish juvenile court in Shreveport
white mini pantry with three fully-stocked shelves sits atop a four-legged table-like base; roof slopes toward back; on clear door surface are the words, "Blessing Box Have a blessing leave it. Need a blessing take it. Above all be blesed." Green lawn in much of background

Einstein Community Pantry located on the grounds of and supported by Einstein Middle School in Appleton, WI
white, stocked mini pantry on a post has two doors, closed; small solar grid attached to post near top; mini sits on a grassy ground filling 2/3 of frame; upper 1/3 has trees with a reddish-brown brick buidling behind

In the garden in front of STAR Academy - P.S. 63, 3rd St., New York, New York.
taken from right side of free-standing mini pantry on four legs; mini door is blonde wood in color with yellow sides; on side are words "take what you need" on top, a heart, then "leave what you can" on bottom, all in red; mini has a back-sloping roof; community garden and buildings in background; five vertical, evenly spaced, wrought-iron bars at right

NVC LFP of Norwood, NJ, is stewarded by staff and students of Northern Valley Central/Valley Program, a public school for children on the autism spectrum.
wood mini pantry with gabled roof and four-paned door sits on top of two-drawer metal file cabinet painted yellow; three flowers on side of cabinet and "NVC OWLS" on front of cabinet in blue; pantry/cabinet sits next to a bush on a grassy lawn with a small tree in background at right of two-story beige brick building

Unity in the Seven Hills LFP, Lychburg, VA
robin egg blue wooden mini pantry with words "Little Free Pantry Get Fed" painted in white on the side; flat roof angled toward back; roof trim in rainbow colors; in background pansies in small bed beneath a bush

St. Jacobus Church LFP in Woodside, Queens, was built by Brendan Boylan, an Eagle Scout candidate.
natural wood mini pantry looks to be about six feet tall, roof sloped toward the back; inner space has an upper and lower level; at top are two natural wood signs, one on top of the other; the topmost says "Little Free Pantry" in heavy, black letters; the bottom sign has three columns of information; "St. Jacobus" at left, letters in outline; a heavy, black cross at middle; "take what you need, give what you can" in smaller letters at right

Take It or Leave It at 81 Vernon Ave LFP, Vernon, CT
white mini pantry with four compartments--one running the width of the mini on top, on bottom two smaller stacked shelves at right next to larger shelf at right; mini is stuffed full of nonperishable food items; in background at left, building with wood siding; in background at right, two oval, galvanized metal tubs sit on paved surface, back end of gray car farther away

Blessing Box at Trinity Lutheran Church, Middle Village
photo taken looking down on and into heavy-duty plastic storage bin; lid is gray; bin is black; latch is red; inside bin, diapers, diaper wipes and toilet paper

Brookline Community Pantry, Pittsburgh, PA
at image center is a tall, royal blue metal locker; on locker face are words #comidagratis painted at top, and in descending order, a full, yellow sun, a tree, and flowers; mini pantry sits next to community notice board at left, pharmacy sign in background

Food Truck LFP, Victoria, TX
Barbie bus painted black with words "Food Truck" on top and sign on the side reading, "Take what you need and leave what you don't. Thanks, the Management," contains nonperishables and sits atop a wood 4 x 4; green lawn, trees at left, house at right in background

LFP at Defiance College, Defiance, OH
gable-roofed mini pantry is painted white with purple gable and has two doors, two shelves on the left and three on the right; shelves contain nonperishables; hostas underneath; parking lot in the background

Girl Scout Troop 5684 LFP, Glendora, CA
dark stained wood, two-tier, rectangular planter containing multi-colored celosias; from the top tier, a dark stained wood mini pantry bearing gold plate on the post reading "We share. You share. They share”

Alexandria, VA, LFP in front of Charles Houston Rec Center
well-stocked, blue square mini pantry with red roof sits in front of orange brick building, two sets of windows with decals at center and left

East Fishkill Library LFP in Hopewell Junction, NY
Pale green, two-two shelf pantry with natural wood shingles; door open.
LFP compliments the bigger selection EFL has inside for when the library is closed.

828 Real Estate LFP
Downtown Boone, NC

Share With Others Box!
3599 Little Free Library in Hastings, MN, gets a neighbor!

LFP New Kent
At New Kent, VA, Department of Social Services
Large cedar cabinet on top of a two-step platform; cabinet open to reveal nine shelves, all very well-stocked with grocery items

The Doane Stuart ~ Boys & Girls Club of Southern Rensselaer Tiny Food Pantry, Rensselaer, NY
mini pantry with a light blue body and forward-pitched roof painted pastel colors in fish scale pattern; mini pantry planted in small bed edged in white; two American flags at base; a brick building in shades of brown in the background, "Boys and Girls Club" in blue letters above its double glass doors

St. Bernard's Total Life Healthcare Blessing Box 505 of Jonesboro, AR
Free-standing white mini pantry with the words “Blessing Box—Take what you need. Give what you can” in black on the door. Mini pantry sits in front of an off-white brick wall, a potted plat to its left.

The Giving Box in South Hamilton, MA
Stocked white mini pantry in foreground, low green plants behind; red heart sign in plants reads “unity”; abstract red sculpture and white Victorian-style house in background

Blu's Little Pantry in Riverside, CA
stocked blue mini pantry in foreground; attached to post are signs in English and Spanish reminding users to use hand sanitizer, wear masks, and take what they touch

Elizabeth Street Little Free Pantry, Millersville, PA
purple three-shelf mini pantry sitting between a raised bed containing eight plants and a small dark soil semi-circle, where a small footstool sits; red brick house in the background

Norte Vista High Little Free Pantry, Riverside, CA
red mini pantry sits in a ring of red garden pavers; letters G, H, H, O, O, and L, also red, on a concrete wall behind the mini pantry

St. Mark's Episcopal Blessing Box, Lake City, MN

Momma Chef Little Free Pantry, Chicago, IL

Little Free Pantry at Cottage Hospital, Woodsville, NH
honey wood mini pantry with two shelves and gabled roof; on door is a sign reading "Little Free Pantry" with the Cottage Hospital logo

Trinity Presbyterian Church LFP, Charlotte, NC

Jersey Hill LFP by Bloomington-Normal Democratic Socialists of America
Off-white, three-drawer filing cabinet. Top two drawers have words Jersey Hill Little Free Pantry and seven pink flowers painted on them. A rainbow is painted on the side. Tree trunk in background.

Haytown Nursery School Little Orange Pantry
Two-door wooden mini pantry painted coral w/ a shingle gabled roof sitting under two trees. The foreground is covered with pink flower petals.

Spring Garden Community Pantry, Philadelphia, PA
Refrigerator painted blue. Fridge and freezer doors are painted with geometric designs in green, purple, and blue.

Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church LFP
Knoxville, TN

Palm City Farms Blessing Box
Palm City, Florida

Community Larder
Repurposed red phone box in Codford, UK

Sonia's Pantry
Pink pantry in Crete, Nebraska

Carytown LFP
Richmond, VA

London, Ontario, LFP
turquoise box with yellow door and bluebird blue roof

Little Free Pantry in Portola
San Francisco, CA

Rose St. Food Pantry
Berkeley, CA

"Always Open Pantry"
Port Townsend, WA

Donna's Little Free Pantry
Dedicated to Donna, "who was always giving away food and personal care items to her family and friends."
West St. Paul, MN

LFP Milford
I love you. You’re probably thinking, “You don’t even know me.” But if people can hate for no reason, I can love.

Potato's Pantry in Louisville, KY
In memory of Michelle’s beloved cats, Potato and Peaches.

Abbott Rd Little Free Pantry of Buffalo, NY
Helping folks avoid a pinch every day of the year!

B'ShERT Synagogue LFP
Brooklyn, NY

Carytown LFP
Richmond, VA

Millbury, MA LFP
DIY Home Renovations - Four Generations One Roof and Sudz City Laundromat GREAT STUFF #GreatPantryProject collab!

St. Charles Community LFP
To give back to their Landsdowne, MD, community, the Mauney family launched a mini on MLK Day and dedicated it in memory of Sean’s mother on her 62nd birthday, February 8th, 2021.

Greene Co. Tech School District LFP
Paragould, AR

LFP Judkins Park
Seattle, WA

Fletcher Creek Cottage + Fresh Coast Market Little Free Pantry
Traverse City, MI
photo: Dena @fletchercreekcottage

Covenant United Methodist Church Little Free Pantry
Montgomery Village, MD

We Care of Lake County Little Free Pantry
Mount Dora, FL

Camp Fire Club #5 Little Free Pantry
El Dorado, AR

Wintry Christ Church LFP
New Brighton, PA

Purmerend, Netherlands Neighborhood Cabinet
Wooden cabinet with heart-cutouts!
Steward and photo credit, @stylissy2509

St. Stephen's Lutheran mini pantry
Feasterville, PA

McSpadden Mini pantry
Vancouver, British Columbia

Holy Trinity Lutheran Outdoor Food Pantry
Dubuque, IA

Holy Trinity Lutheran Indoor Food Pantry
Dubuque, IA

Chelsea Community Fridge & Cupboard
Manhattan, NY

Shortmeadow 'Lil Free Pantry
Vancouver, WA

Give Back Jack Blessing Box #9
Jackson, TN

Las Vegas, New Mexico

Belle Street Food Pantry
At First English Lutheran, Cannon Falls, MN

VOW Church Outdoor Food Pantry
Hope Mills, North Carolina

Wood Brain by Lindsay Zuelich’s Great Stuff™ The Great Pantry Project mini
Torrance, California
Photo: Lindsay Zuelich