From Queens, NY, to a country road in Arkansas, more than four years later, we’ve seen mini pantries executed in every context. Just today, we added this Chicago, IL, mini to our movement map.
We aren’t local experts. And on site experience really does differ at a hyper local level. Two minis a mile apart will be for different folks—both those who shop and those who stock.
Wicker Park Lutheran LFP
So if you’re thinking about stewarding and looking for information about the project in your context, reach out to a steward in your hometown! Or if you’d be the first, reach out to us. With a little more info, we’ll connect you with someone stewarding in a similar setting.
Finally, it’s sorta true that urban supply matches urban demand and rural supply matches rural demand, but it’s also true that demand outpaces supply no matter where, and hungry folks everywhere will find and use mini pantries.
The claim, “That’d never last here?” Go cheap and see.